15kg of oranges and tangerines tableBox table combined half and half tangerine. The default is to undertake and about. If you want to customize it, write in comments when ordering, for example 10kg and 5kg table tangerine.
Clementina- Tardía Mandarins. Recent home Mandarins picked from the tree and in less than 2-3 days at home. Very easy to peel Tangerines and a unique flavor.
20kg of oranges juice and table.Combo box half juice and half board. The default is to undertake and about. If you want to customize it, write in comments when ordering, for example 5kg 15kg juice and table.
20kg 15kg and 5kg Juice Oranges Mandarins.Combo box 5kg 15kg and mandarin juice. Comprar naranjas de zumo y mandarinas. Caja combinada de 20 kg: en las que se añaden 15kg de zumo y 5kg de mandarinas.
Clementina- Tardía Mandarins. Recent home Mandarins picked from the tree and in less than 2-3 days at home. Very easy to peel Tangerines and a unique flavor.