Buy Lemons

We have mixed boxes of oranges and lemons.


Lemons Valencianos 1kg

Valencia lemons add lemons to your order.

Variety: Lemons

Size: Medium

Weight: 1 Kg aprox

Unit: 4-7 aprox

Consumption: Juice

Flavor:  acid

Others: Some seeds

Lemons Valencianos 5kg

Add to Basket lemons Valencia oranges, can put the kilos you want.

Variety: Lemons

Size: Medium

Weight: 5 Kg aprox


Consumption: Juice

Flavor:  acid

Others: Some seeds


Lemons Valencianos 10kg

Add to Basket lemons Valencia oranges, can put the kilos you want.

Variety: Lemons

Size: Medium

Weight: 10 Kg aprox

Unit:  aprox

Consumption: Juice

Flavor:  acid

Others: Some seeds


Lemons Valencianos 15 kg

Add to Basket lemons Valencia oranges, can put the kilos you want.

Variety: Lemons

Size: Medium

Weight: 15 Kg aprox

Unit: aprox

Consumption: Juice

Flavor:  acid

Others: Some seeds


Lemons Valencianos 20 kg

Add to Basket lemons Valencia oranges, can put the kilos you want.

Variety: Lemons

Size: Medium

Weight: 20 Kg aprox

Unit:  aprox

Consumption: Juice

Flavor:  acid

Others: Some seeds
