Integrated production - traditional Orange

Natural Valencian oranges integrated production

Entidad Nacional de AcreditaciónINTEGRATED production is a quality label of the national entity of accreditation (ENAC) for traditional Orange fields.  To grant the certificate of integrated production have been made on the fields of traditional Orange periodic control system of crop production activities, has been analyzed the product and tested the quality system applied to its production.  The integrated agricultural production refers to the obtaining of high quality agricultural products through the use of methods and farming practices that respect the environment.  The integrated production in traditional Orange responds to these demands using farming systems that take full advantage of the resources and natural production mechanisms, and ensure long-term sustainable agriculture, using biological and chemical control methods, and other techniques that make compatible the demands of society, environmental protection, and the productivity of farms.  It's obtaining primary products through a reasoned agriculture, which uses methods that are respectful with the environment and ensuring food security, and profitability of farms.  TRADITIONAL Orange certification under the standard of integrated farm assurance entails monitoring and control of the whole process of preparation of the product, before of the trees are planted in our farms until the final product is served by the marketer, by performing the following actions: preparing the ground for new plantations: Elimination of plant remains from previous crops. Chemical disinfection is not permitted. The minimum depth of searchable soil by the roots will be of 40 cm. provide manure.   Comunidad Valenciana Producción Integrada Planting: Plant material will come from licensed nurseries, you must be certified. Sensitive patterns cannot be used to Phytophtora. So that machinery can go through the rows, planting large frames are recommended. Employer/employee graft must be choose by the ability to adapt to the microclimate and/or the possible shortcomings of the plot.  Irrigation: maximum volumes of water are set to use. Requires a minimum quality of the irrigation water.  Fertilization: On the floor at the beginning and every 5 years, and leaves every 2 years, to calculate the doses corresponding analyses will be carried out. The maximum quantities are limited we recommend the type of Subscriber and Subscriber date.  Phytoregulators: substances are limited to be used and the conditions of use are controlled. He is recommended to make the scratch of the branches to increase fruit set in problems of fruiting varieties.  Pruning: Pruning will be biennial. Prohibits the burning of stubble, and recommended the crushing in the plot and bring them to the floor. Soil management and weed control: use mechanical means to remove the weeds. The use of tools that destroy the soil structure is forbidden. The vegetation from mid autumn to winter is not deleted. A number of active substances and their maximum doses are recommended.  Control of pests and diseases: there are lists of recommended Active matters. Application machinery should be reviewed periodically. Perform the necessary treatments. Keep in mind the auxiliary fauna and use other means of struggle as pheromones.  Collection: the wet fruit will not be collected. Requires a minimum stage of maturity for the collection. Damaged fruits will be removed.  Postharvest: They are avoided as much as possible. There is a list of recommended active substances and their dose.    The advantages of being certified under the seal of production are integrated: decrease in the use of plant protection products, reducing the operational costs.  The amount of chemical waste that receives the environment is less with this production system.  Respecting the biological balance of the farming system.  It increases the quality of the products since they do not possess nearly waste of chemical products.  International markets and consumers are increasingly demanding. In the very near future the demand for these products will increase, and harvests conventionally obtained may not have output in markets.    TRADITIONAL Orange fields are a national reference in the citrus fruit sector, since in addition to ensure the integrated production, we care about a limitation in plant protection and chemical treatments in the field.  This seal of quality ensures the confidence to the end customer to buy oranges online at our store in Orange online.